Ein glückliches neues Jahr 2014 to all my readers and fellow genealogists.

Christmas Market in Mainz, 14 Dec 2013
Just back from an unexpected and delightful trip along the Rhine with my husband to the Christmas Markets. My first trip to Germany was wonderful and I am determined to go back very soon, especially since our trip was not near my ancestral villages. That, and I need want more feuerwurst. So I know another Christkindlmarkt tour is in our future.
The very best to you personally and in your family history research in the coming year.
We did visit Strasbourg and some other lovely towns in the Rhineland. And thanks for the kind words, Ginny. Glad to have you along as I post.
And a Happy New Year to you also. Enjoy your blog. Hope you were able
to visit some of the Alsacien villages along the Rhine. Have visited the
my ancestral villages in Bas & Haut Rhin, as well as the Moselle area. So
many fond memories from those trips. Keep up the good work. Ginny