Coming soon – Finding Prussian Ancestors in Online Archives webinar at Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Click here for free registration for the premiere on August 9, 2023.
Legacy Family Tree Webinar
Discover online records for German-speaking ancestors from Brandenburg, East Prussia, Pomerania, Posen, Silesia, and West Prussia. Despite record losses for these geographic areas, hundreds of years of church and civil records can be found in archives in Poland, Germany, and the U.S., using the search strategies in this presentation.
Prussian? German? Or Both?
My personal excursion into Prussian primary sources came 15 years ago, when I began researching my mother’s maternal immigrant ancestor grandparents. They were Prussian in one census and German in another. Birth, marriage, death records were the same. Eventually, using online primary sources, I discovered that my German ancestors were actually Prussians. And in my new webinar I’ll show you the resources and search strategies to do the same.
Still Unsure if Your Ancestors Were Prussian or German?
Try my other Prussian webinar at Legacy Family Tree. Researching Ancestral Locations in Prussian Genealogy Records helps you pinpoint the places your ancestors lived in Prussia. View this webinar at this link.

Breslau Old Town, where my ancestors lived, c.1830 (

Wrocław, Poland, on my ancestral visit, 2018.
Prussian Genealogy Research Webinar
See you on August 9 for Finding Prussian Ancestors in Online Archives webinar at Legacy Family Tree. If you missed this presentation, you can view all genealogy webinars in the Legacy Family Tree archives by clicking here.
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