President Lincoln and Ford’s Theater 150 years ago today,
and the momentous changes to the outcome of the Civil War and history as a whole because of this dastardly assassination.
Lincoln and Ford’s Theater 150 Years Ago
At Genealogy Bank Blog, a great article on how our ancestors
would have learned the news about the assassination:
Lincoln’s Assassination Hits the Newspaper Headlines
Right away, I found this article from a New York newspaper with these shocking headlines. The article provides a series of dispatches that the newspaper received, from the assassination attempt up to President Lincoln’s death at 7:22 a.m. on 15 April 1865.
Can you imagine how this tragedy must have gripped every one of our American ancestors?
Assassination of President Lincoln, Albany Evening Journal, 15 April 1865
This Maine newspaper uses similar headlines and carries the latest dispatches from Washington regarding Lincoln’s last day alive, the assassination scene, and details of the assassination attempts on Secretary Seward and his son.
President Lincoln Assassinated, Daily Eastern Argus, 15 April 1865
Newspapers in the South reflected the same shock and sadness, as you can see from this Virginia newspaper.
editorial about the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, Alexandria Gazette newspaper article 15 April 1865
After a career as an archivist and librarian, Nancy started Subscribe to her free monthly newsletter and find eBooks on US and European genealogy research.
She has presented at the National Genealogical Society, RootsTech, and Legacy Family Tree, and to genealogists in the US, Canada, and Australia.
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