I’ve been working on translating the parish record for the marriage of Carl Bauch and Anna Braun on 28 November 1837, Rawitsch, Posen, Prussia.

My continuing adventures trying to translate 19th-century German parish records without knowing German. This a great record, full of interesting details and categories of information I’ve never seen in a parish marriage record before. Unfortunately, by the time the translation was complete, I realized Carl Bauch and Anna Braun were not ancestors of mine.

First Page of Record for Marriage of Carl Bauch and Anna Braun


Nro. | Jahr und Tag Trauung | Name des Geistlichen, welcher die Trauung Verrichtet | Vor= Zu= und Geschlechts = Name der Getrauten, Aufenthalts = Ort, Stand und Gewerbe, auch ob die Trauung in der Kirche oder zu Hause vollzogen

No. | Year and Day of Marriage Ceremony | Name of clergyman who performed the marriage ceremony | Fore- and Sur- and Lineage Name of Couple Being Married, Residence Place, Occupation and Trade, also if the marriage ceremony was performed in the church or at home |

First Page Entry:

59 | Der acht ŭnd zwanzigsten November ŭm 1 Uhr | Superint. Altmann, C.S. | Carl Benjamin Bauch, Schwarzviehhändler im Massel, ein Jŭnggeselle, mit ein Jŭngfrau Anna Rosina Braun, des B. im Rawicz ŭnd Gerichtsschulzen zŭ Massel Dăniel Braun, vierten Tochter.

59 | The eight and twentieth November about 1 o’clock | Superintendent Altmann, C.S. | Carl Benjamin Bauch, black-cattle trader from Massel, a bachelor, with unmarried maiden Anna Rosina Braun, fourth daughter of the citizen in Rawicz and chief magistrate at Massel, Daniel Braun.

German Parish Record Translation of the Marriage of Carl Bauch and Anna Braun

Second Page of Record for Marriage of Carl Bauch and Anna Braun


Ob sie schon verheirathet gewesen, ingleichen ob sie noch unter Eltern und Vormünden stehen | Alter des Bräutigams Alter der Braut | Religion des Bräutigams Religion der Braut | Einwilligung der Eltern und Vormünder | Datum der Aufgebote | Datum der erlangten Dispensation des aufgebots | Anmerkungen

Whether they have already been married or are still with parents or guardians | Age of the bridegroom Age of the Bride | Religion of the Bridegroom Religion of the Bride | Consent of the Parents and Guardians | Date of the Banns | Date of the dispensation for the intended marriage | Remarks

Second Page Entry:

Die Eltern des /Brautpaars /leben | 25 | 25 | evangelisch | Der Väter des Braut= /paars gaban die /Einwilligung per= /sönlich | Den 12e, 19e /ŭnd 26ten /November | Der  Bräutigams hat 3 Jahren bei /dem 1. Uhlanen Regimente im Pleschen, gedeint, ŭnd steh bei den 19th  Landwehr Regiment.

The parents of the bridal pair living |25 | 25 | [both] Lutheran | The fathers of the bridal pair gave the permission personally  | the 12th, 19th, and 26th November | The bridegroom has served 3 years in the first Uhlan Regiment in Pleschen, was situated 1 year in the 19th Regiment of the Landwehr.

I found the index entry for this marriage in the FamilySearch Germany Marriages, 1558-1929 database and discovered the actual record on microfilm. Too bad they aren’t related!