Naturalization Records for U.S. Genealogy Research

Martin Reiter, Naturalization, Geauga County (Ohio) Probate Court, 1874.
Before you search for these records, it’s essential to understand the path to U.S. citizenship your ancestors faced in their specific locations and time periods.
Requirements were set by legislation and varied by time and place.
It is equally important to know that our ancestors could have been naturalized in federal, state, or local courts.
Naturalization Records for Female Ancestors
Special attention is paid to our female relatives and ancestors in this Sassy Jane Genealogy eBook. The kinds of records you may find today reflects their unequal treatment under the law in the past.
Many factors, including marital status, prevailing laws, and social norms affected female ancestors seeking citizenship. Minor children often faced similar situations on the path to citizenship.
Before 1922, native-born women could lose their U.S. citizenship simply by marrying a man born outside the United States, even if he was in the process of naturalizing.
Check your family trees to see if U.S.-born women lost their U.S. citizenship by marrying foreign-born men. Then search for naturalization records for these female relatives and ancestors.

Louise Marie Anderson, Petition for Naturalization, U.S. District Court, Northern District, Illinois, Petition 323441, 1927.
Naturalization Records for Genealogy Research
Whether you’re missing a naturalization record or finding an unexpected one, this Sassy Jane e-book helps you understand how and why naturalization and citizenship records were created. Links to legislation, online records, and research guides are also included.
Inside This Sassy Jane eBook
There are four chapters and many subsections in this Sassy Jane Genealogy eBook on naturalization records.
Chapter 1: How Ancestors Became U.S. Citizens
- U.S. Citizenship
- What is Naturalization?
- Legal Origins of U.S. Naturalization
- Colonial Era Naturalization
- Naturalization By U.S. States Before 1790
Chapter 2: Major Federal Naturalization Legislation
- Overview of Major U.S. Naturalization Legislation
- Researching Naturalization of Female Ancestors
- Loss of Citizenship for U.S.-Born Women
Chapter 3: Naturalization Record Examples
- 1790 Massachusetts Court Naturalization
- 1868 Illinois County Court Declaration of Intention
- 1874 Ohio Probate Court Naturalization
- 1879 Illinois County Court Petition for Naturalization
- 1880 U.S. District Court Naturalization of a Minor
- 1891 Superior Court, Cook County, Illinois, Female Declaration of Intention
- 1892 U.S. District Court Female Petition
- 1909 U.S. District Court Female Declaration of Intention
- 1911 Petition for Naturalization, U.S. District Court
- 1927 U.S. District Court, Female Petition for Naturalization
- 1943 U.S. District Court, Female Application to Take Oath of Allegiance
Chapter 4: Finding Naturalization Records
- Naturalization Research Goals
- Tips and Tricks for Naturalization Research
- Researching Naturalization of Female Ancestors
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